Tuesday, February 3, 2009

One of these things...

Suddenly I realize.
I hate that all of my friends in Portland are 25 years old and white.  
I'm trying not to hate it, because friends are good.  My friends are so good.  
But, fuck,

in a trillion invisible, unremarkable, ways, 
(the way white lies flake off and dissolve on the tongue, 
disappear into the sidewalk, slip into tea at a fancy brunch) 
I think

it could kill a person.  

I need to collect my thoughts on this one.  


Carrot said...

It's totally rough. Portland kind of kicks you in the ass that way. You're like- "so many people just like me! I can be around people just like me all the time and feel validated and hip!" and then you're like, "wait, where did all the other people go?"

I'm not very good at reaching out and hanging out with other communities, so I end up leaving for months at a time just so I can remind myself that other sorts of people exist.

AnnMarie said...

portland is incredibly white and segregated.

constant dialog seems to help only a little.

it is hard too because i'm white and so...i feel helpless in that.