Thursday, November 6, 2008

Another Night

W. S. Merwin at the Newmark Theater was thinner than I expected.  He wore big beautiful brown leather moccasins and spoke slowly with deep authority, grace, and wit.  

He writes elegies to dogs.  He recited Hardy and Hadrian.  

I put up my feet, closed my eyes, nearly cried with relief.  Oh my goodness, a poet, alive, standing tall in this deep blue room.  Speaking about Listening and the loveliness of foxes.

1 comment:

Carrot said...

I just found your blog through Ann Marie's blog. I found it to be so beautiful I almost cried. Why isn't there more of it? I have a blog, too, you can read, where I write about hitch-hiking across the country by myself and What Would Happen If Annie Dillard And The Vampires Got In A Fight

Almost crying,