photo by alejandra laviada
i wonder if i should go back to school some day and study something. i have not been paying attention lately. don't know what to look for in faces and trees. i see the squirrels running with fruits in their mouths, and i tell myself, "think something! quick!"
"fat squirrel," i think, and end thought.
don't know where to put things.
the artist constructs her own agenda, a peg wall, and gathers things throughout the day to bring home at night. facing the wall, she pins the gathered things up in different patterns. she arranges her notes as if there were a symphony backing it all, she believes in the significance of her collections as fact.
what does it mean that i want her conviction but refuse to act on my own? what does it mean that i sit on my hands, even still. well, they're cold, i rationalize, my fingers are stiff and the days are getting shorter. i don't want to move yet. i don't know yet why. yet i'll watch everyone else in their dramatic whirls whirl on by. yet i'll write, "should i go back to school?"
"do you think?"
this was lovely please keep blogging. and, if you want to join an expat society in portland, let me know. i've decided to start a nucleus of artsy expats from anywhere other than portland who comfort each other in the land of a thousand acquaintances and very few friends.
yes, a nucleus of comfort sounds very, very good.
good it's settled then. think on when and where and what food will be involved...
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